Making Things I Love With Code

You Can Too!

Sneaker Finder Ruby Gem

After a dedicated 4 weeks of an eat, sleep, and code routine here at this amazing Flatiron program, I arrived at a milestone, my first CLI project. Henceforth, the birth of the Sneaker_Finder Ruby Gem. I want to take some time to document my findings. I also want to share the key take away points in my learning journey thus far. I believe this gem summarizes it well. Let’s begin…

Why I decided to become a Software Engineer!

Think back to your earliest memories. I can think of a young kid full of curiosity and imagination. Full of questions like: “What do I want to be when I grow up?” This is a question that many are familiar with. The cliché response to this is usually “an astronaut”, “a firefighter”, or “a policeman”. Is it possible to really know at such a young age what profession you want to be in? I am not much of a philosopher, so I will not speak on that. What I can tell you is why I decided to make the switch into a career in Software Development.